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Current Highlights of the Garden
Come and explore the wonders of our botanic garden! Our garden is currently full of spectacular highlights, including the breathtaking Aloe aculeata with yellow flowers and Aloe marlothii standing tall in the background.
Take a closer look at the Aloe excelsa "2 Tone," with its dense flowers changing from red to yellow.
Admire the Aloe speciosa, which has some of the most beautiful flowers, starting as red, then fading to white, and finally opening with vibrant orange anthers.
Our garden also boasts many unique and open-pollinated hybrids.
Don't miss the remarkable elongated flowers of the Aloe alooides, resembling those of an Agave.
The arborescent aloes form dense flowers visible throughout the garden.
Finally, check out the Aloe rupestris, known for its bottle brush orange anthers, but keep an eye out for its flowers that sometimes bloom in white!
Come and explore the wonders of our botanic garden! Our garden is currently full of spectacular highlights, including the breathtaking Aloe aculeata with yellow flowers and Aloe marlothii standing tall in the background.
Take a closer look at the Aloe excelsa "2 Tone," with its dense flowers changing from red to yellow.
Admire the Aloe speciosa, which has some of the most beautiful flowers, starting as red, then fading to white, and finally opening with vibrant orange anthers.
Our garden also boasts many unique and open-pollinated hybrids.
Don't miss the remarkable elongated flowers of the Aloe alooides, resembling those of an Agave.
The arborescent aloes form dense flowers visible throughout the garden.
Finally, check out the Aloe rupestris, known for its bottle brush orange anthers, but keep an eye out for its flowers that sometimes bloom in white!